CrescentClan Wikia

Herbs and Their Medicinal Properties[]

Alder Bark[]

  • A natural occurring brownish-gray substance which may come from the tree in flakes
  • Found on the Alder tree which grows in muggy, wet terrain 
  • If chewed - treats toothache(s)


  • Small, round, green leaves with long white roots and purple flowers that grow in bunches
  • Grows in damp, thick soils
  • If chewed - prevents tooth decay

Aloe Vera[]

  • Thick, green, spiky leaves
  • Can be found close to water in moist soil
  • If chewed into a poultice - placed on burns or on irregular skin conditions

Ash Tree Sprouts[]

  • Thin stems with round-edged, green leaves.
  • Found close to Ash trees.
  • If chewed into a poultice - placed on serpent bite(s) to prevent the effects of the venom

Ash Tree Seeds[]

  • Downward-facing, hollow green leaves
  • Found on the Ash tree
  • If consumed - fights internal or gastrointestinal pain

Aspen Tree Bark[]

  • Light gray bark with patterns that appear similar to "wide eyes"
  • Found on the Aspen tree
  • If chewed - relieves stress


  • Thin leaves that grow in bunches of 4+
  • Often grown in Twoleg gardens
  • If consumed - reduces mucus in asthma and bronchitis
  • If consumed - reduces cholesterol
  • If chewed - eases kitten illness
  • If chewed - eases irritated mouth sores
  • If mixed with a large amount of water and consumed - eases headaches
  • If mixed with hot water and gargled - eases sore throats
  • If mixed with honey and consumed daily for 6 moons - disintegrates any kidney stone masses
  • If chewed into a poultice - clears a cat's digestive system of ringworms

Belladonna Leaves[]

  • Oval shaped, decent-sized leaves
  • Grows in damp soil
  • If chewed into a poultice- calms spasms and cramps


  • Purple or fuchsia mouth-shaped flowers on bowl-shaped leaves with pointed tips
  • Grows in mulchy areas with damp soil
  • If chewed - causes contractions (helps bellyaches end and can cause kitting to start if delayed)

​Beech leaves[]

  • Large, broad leaves with a pointy tip
  • Grows close to rivers and by forests
  • Used for carrying herbs


  • A weed with white flowers with purple accents on top of the stem
  • Since it's a weed it grows almost anywhere
  • Used to bind sticks to broken bones or limbs to keep them in place while they heal

Blackberry leaves[]

  • Large leaves with jagged edges; the stems are covered with thorns similar to rose bushes
  • Grows in damp soil or in Twoleg gardens
  • If chewed into a poultice - applied to bee stings after they have been popped

Blessed Thistle[]

  • Purple, soft, poofy flower with a spiky, green base
  • Found growing in sandy soils close to shorelines
  • If chewed and swallowed - increases blood circulation

Borage leaves[]

  • Soft, fuzzy leaves with purple flowers 
  • Grow all around forests
  • Chewed & swallowed-helps queen's milk circulate and brings down fevers

Bramble twig[]

  • Thick, vine-like stems covered in thorns
  • Found all around dense forests
  • If chewed or crushed into a thick, syrup then consumed- helps to sleep

Broken rosemary blooms[]

  • Thick, brown stem covered in leaves that look like pine needles; faint purple flowers
  • Grows in dry, sandy soil or Twoleg gardens
  • If chewed into poultice - placed around the eye to help with eye pains or infections


  • Tall yellow flowers that grow in bunches on top of stems
  • Grows in dense forests
  • The broom poultice can be chewed into a poultice and mixed with comfrey to heal broken bones or limbs
  • Can be used as a poultice alone for major sprains or dislocations

Burdock root[]

  • Long brown substances that look like dirty carrots. The leaves on top of the ground have wavy edges
  • Grows in dry, arid areas
  • If chewed into a poultice- helps treat infected rat bites or prevents infection for rat bites


  • Oval leaves with pointed tips and jagged edges
  • Grows in dry, grassy soil
  • Consumed - traveling herb for strength and ebbs hunger

Buttonbush down[]

  • sphere flowers with green balls as the center of the flower; long, white, tiny flowers branch out from all directions of the green sphere
  • Grows in marshy areas
  • If consumed - helps with digestion and constipation


  • Long stems with fuzzy green burrs on the top
  • Grows on hedges in Twoleg gardens and around wet areas
  • The burrs can hold poultices onto a cat's pelt
  • If the stems are consumed - helps with digestion & constipation


  • Leaf edges are jagged with pointed tips
  • Grows in Twoleg nests and or gardens; rarely ever found in the forest
  • If chewed and swallowed - helps to rid of Whitecough, Greencough, and Blackcough


  • A long, red pepper
  • Grows in Twoleg gardens
  • If consumed - though very spicy, this herb can prevent the before-effects of a heart attack


  • Flower has four thin petals and round, jagged leaves with pointed tips
  • Grows by rivers and dense forests
  • Trickle juice from the stem into the eye - the cold liquid helps soothe the damaged eye


  • Small white flowers with yellow, powdery middle
  • Grows in Twoleg gardens and grassy areas
  • Chewed and swallowed- soothes the mind and strengthens the heart. Helps to give confidence
  • Traveling herb


  • Small green leaves
  • Grows in forests and in the cracks of rocks
  • If chewed and swallowed or made into a poultice - helps bellyache if swallowed and helps infected wounds if applied as a poultice. It can be eaten by queens during kitting


  • Long stems with white flowers on leaves
  • Since they are a weed they are commonly found all over dense forests much like catchweed
  • If chewed and swallowed - helps cure whitecough and greencough, though catmint is definitely preferred for prevention and curing


  • A russet-brown nut with faint stripes running down the sides. 
  • They are found within a close rage of the Hazel trees, considering that the nuts can also be called hazelnuts.
  • Crushed into smaller, edible pieces then chewed- Used to make ointments


  • White, glistening, sticky pieces of string that is made into webs
  • Found all over little nicks in the forest
  • Press and apply pressure to the bleeding wound- used to slow or stop large, bleeding wounds that have a tendency to keep pouring out of the open area
  • Wrap around sticks onto broken bone- used to hold sticks onto a broken bone/ limb
  • Stretched and placed onto a cat's wound as a bandage- Can be used to cover small poulitces
  • (Can be used to clean minor messes)


  • Yellow flowers with long petals and fairly large middles
  • Grows groggy, wet terrain
  • Chew leaves into a pulp- Soothes cracked or sore pads
  • Small doses can be chewed and swallowed - cures kitten-cough and helps ease the breathing level if it's too high

Comfrey root[]

  • Long, black roots with long flowers and large leaves
  • All over grassy fields with damp soil
  • Chewed and mixed with a broom poultice- can be plastered onto a broken limb to make sure it heals properly
  • Chewed into a poultice- used for soothing wounds, can be placed on a wrenched claw, placed on irritated, itching places, can also be placed on stiff joints
  • Woven into the dry moss of one's bedding- ease stiffness of shoulders

Crushed iris petals[]

  • ​Round, light purple flower petals
  • Grows in Twoleg gardens or nests in sandy soils in and around water
  • If consumed and digested - soothes a kit's sore throat and helps stimulate breathing during a queen's contractions

Crushed rose thorns[]

  • Spikes that poke from the stem in all direction; thorns are brown and cone-shaped
  • Found on a rosebush which can be located on the fences of Twoleg gardens or in wet, sandy soil
  • If chewed into a paste - covers the wound and helps to seal it (Be mindful of the thorns!)

Daisy leaves[]

  • Feather-shaped leaves with wavy edges 
  • Grows in grassy areas
  • Chewed into a paste- plastered onto aching joints
  • Traveling herb

Damiana Sprigs[]

  • Small, faded green leaves with long stems
  • Grown rarely on moist moortops and more often found in Twoleg gardens
  • Mixed into water and consumed- increases circulation


  • Flat flower top with long, yellow petals that curve at the top
  • Grows just about anywhere with moist, soil
  • Leaves are chewed - pain killer
  • White liquid extracted from stem - soothes bee stings


  • Stalks with small green leaves, much like parsley
  • This weed can be found in any condition, all you need is the right eye
  • Consumed- eases gas
  • Scent inhaled- eases heartburn

Dock leaves[]

  • Large leaves with rounded leaf tips
  • Grows in areas with a lot of trees or marshy areas
  • If chewed into a poultice- soothes and heals scratches, soothes cracked or sore pads

Dried Red Oak Leaf[]

  • Brown, brittle leaves with wavy edges
  • Under the oak tree in leaf-bare/areas with dense undergrowth or dry soil/far-spaced/not many in the two-leg place; mostly found in forests
  • If chewed into a paste - prevents infection of a wound


  • Fluffy orange and black middles and pink, draping petals
  • Moist soils; around other colorful plants
  • If chewed into a poultice - plastered onto wounds to ease infection


  • Glossy, jagged leaves with white flowers and a yellow center
  • Grows in sub-alpine meadows where snow is common
  • If consumed - soothes sneezing, watery eyes, and irritated throat


  • Thin, pine needle-looking leaves
  • Grows best in dry soils
  • If consumed - helps pain in the hips
  • If consumed - prevents vomiting


  • White flowers with curved petals and yellow middles
  • Grows along the banks of rivers or lakes
  • If consumed - eases aches and pains that come from fevers
  • If consumed - Eases fever


  • Thick, pale roots with rounded tips
  • Grows in dry, sandy soils
  • If chewed and juices consumed - helps with asthma
  • If consumed - treats coughs


  • Tall, tree-like plant with stems branching off of the middle stem with small, yellow flowers
  • Grows best in an open moor
  • If chewed into a poultice- plastered onto wounds to help heal them nicely


  • Tall, thick-stemmed, dark green grass stalks.
  • Grows in large, plain/prairie/moor areas.
  • Can be woven into cobweb to clot and stop the bloodflow of a wound.

Gotu Kola[]

  • Round, bumpy-edged leaves with a v-shaped nook that grow on stems in bunches with large, spread root systems
  • Grows best in damp soils
  • If consumed - eases depression
  • Large amount consumed - prevents the ability to grow fertile
  • If chewed into a poultice - reduces scar damage
  • If mixed into warm water then consumed - helps clear the brain and allows to think with clarity


  • Stout, erect stems, several branches with daisy-like flower heads, with slightly darker and small petals encircling the center
  • Located in prairies and waste places
  • If consumed - useful for asthma and bronchitis
  • If chewed in a poultice - heals sores

Heather []

  • A tall plant with small, light purple flowers along the stem
  • Grows in sandy soils
  • If consumed - helps a kit digest by lining the intestines


  • Long stems with bell-shaped, pink flowers
  • Grows in shady areas
  • Sweetens herbs without making the specified herb loose its medicinal properties


  • A golden, sticky liquid
  • Found in bee hives
  • If consumed - Soothes sore throats
  • If consumed - Soothes throats that have inhaled smoke
  • If mixed with Aloe vera - placed on burns to soothe and heal
  • Sweetens bitter herbs without making them loose their qualities


  • Leafy, green, pine cone-looking herbs
  • Grows on tall plants in clay soil
  • If consumed - calms nerves and helps with anxiety


  • Tall grass with brown rings around itself
  • Located in marshy areas
  • If chewed into a poultice - helps to slow bleeding and prevent infection

Ivy leaves[]

  • Leaves that look like a star without a bottom point
  • Ivy bushes grow in plant-dense areas
  • Used to store herbs

Juniper berries[]

  • Small, purple berries that grow in bunches on prickly bushes
  • Juniper berry bushes from in dry to damp soils
  • If consumed - calms nerves
  • If consumed - helps breathing troubles
  • If consumed - eases bellyaches

Lamb's ear[]

  • Shaped similar to that of lamb's ear, soft leaves, faded green in color
  • Grows best in the mountains
  • If consumed - calms a cat and gives strength


  • Tall stems with tall bunches of purple flowers on top
  • Grows best in sandy soils
  • If consumed- treats fevers

Lemon Grass[]

  • Tall stalks of yellow-green grass with a singular, round root
  • Grows in warm climates and damp soils
  • If Consumed - used to expel whatever causes a stomachache; Examples: gas, digestion issues, and diarrhea
  • If mixed properly into a poultice with other ingredients, it can be lathered onto a cat's fur to remove foreign substances (ex: oil, dirt)

Lotus roots[]

  • Thick, light brown roots with star shaped markings; Pink flower petals and yellow spiky middles (the flowers of lily pad)
  • Grows in ponds
  • If consumed - helps to stay awake

Mallow leaves[]

  • Fan-shaped, green leaves
  • Grows near shores
  • If consumed - eases bellyaches


  • Puffy, yellow half-sphere with orange flowers
  • Grows near water
  • If chewed into a poultice - placed on wounds to help heal and drive out infection


  • Jagged edged, green leaves
  • Grows in Twoleg gardens and large forests
  • Rubbed on the body of a dead cat- hides the scent of death
  • If chewed - cools nasal passages
  • If mixed into warm water and consumed- eases hiccups

Oak Tree Sap[]

  • The bark looks flaky, much like Alder bark, but oak bark won't crumble as easily. The sap is a faded yellow and it looks like foam
  • Can be found almost anywhere; most populated in wet soils
  • Sap is extracted from the tree and consumed- helps to control Blackcough


  • Tall stems with small green leaves
  • Grows in moist soil
  • If consumed - helps to dry up a queens milk
  • If consumed - helps bellyache


  • A green and yellow, round fruit with an orange inside with round, black seeds
  • Grown on trees found in sandy soils
  • If its fruit is consumed - treats kitten cough

Peach leaves[]

  • A long, skinny leaf with "ruffles" towards the butt of the leaf
  • Grows when planted in Twoleg gardens
  • If consumed - eases nausea

Poppy seeds[]

  • Small, round, gray seeds
  • Poppy flowers grow all around the forest
  • If consumed- helps to calm nerves and/ or shock
  • If consumed- helps to fight pain
  • If consumed - helps to sleep


  • Pointed leaves branching from the stem
  • Grows in mountains
  • If consumed - gives cats strength


  • Yellow flowers with puffy middles and spread out, pointed petals
  • Grows in areas with a cool climate and lots of rainfall; wet soils
  • If mixed with juniper berries and consumed- helps aching joints

Raspberry leaves[]

  • Look like blackberry leaves but they're a lighter green in color
  • Grows best in fertile soil
  • If chewed - helps a kitting queen and soothe bee sting


  • Small bunches of purple flowers
  • Grows in forests
  • If rubbed on the body of a dead cat- hides the scent of death

Rosinweed Leaves[]

  • Long green leaves with curved butts and a pointed tip
  • Grows on the stem of the Rosinweed flower which grows in grassy, weeded fields
  • If consumed with drinks of water - cleanses the digestive system after a poison has been consumed


  • A medium-sized purple flower with 6+ purple petals
  • Grows in thick clay soil
  • If consumed - puts a cat in the state of unconsciousness, which can be useful for surgeries
  • Keep this herb away from kits and elders


  • Long, skinny, round-tipped leaves with a soft texture and dark green color
  • Grows in groups in Twoleg gardens and sandy soils
  • If crushed and mixed with water then consumed - helps recall memory
  • If chewed into a poultice - plastered on a cat's pelt to remove dandruff
  • If consumed - it can be used an antibiotic

Shock root[]

  • Small green plant with small green leaves
  • Grows in damp soils
  • If you consume the roots - helps to reboot the nervous system after a blackout or after a cat has been poisoned

Skullcap Seeds[]

  • Tall plants with purple, bell-shaped flowers
  • Grows in grassy meadows and dry soils
  • If consumed - gives strength


  • Bunches of small, white flowers
  • Grows in warm areas
  • If chewed into a poultice - plastered on serpent bites to neutralize the effects of the venom

Snapdragon seed[]

  • Tiny, reddish brown seeds
  • Snapdragon flowers grow in grassy areas
  • If chewed into a poultice - placed on the cats neck or on the area to clear up ringworm


  • Slightly wavy leaves
  • Found in Twoleg gardens and sandy soils
  • Traveling herb
  • If consumed alone - eases hunger


  • Light brown, wooden limbs from trees
  • Can be found nearby trees
  • Can hold a broken bone or limb in place
  • If bit on - can distract cats from pain, especially during the cleansing of a wound or kitting

Stinging nettle[]

  • Long, jagged leaves with small, white flowers on the stem
  • Grows in and around forests
  • If chewed into a poultice - placed on a swollen wound to ease swelling
  • If the seeds are consumed - neutralizes poisons
  • If the stem is chewed on - fight against intestinal infection
  • If consumed - fights allergies


  • Tall grass with corn-shaped flowers
  • Grows near water shores
  • If you consume the nectar from the flowers - eases intestinal infection


  • Fluffy, dark yellow flowers
  • Grows in cool or cold areas
  • If consumed - helps with coughs


  • Flower-shaped leaf with small white flowers on the stem
  • Grows in hot, sunny areas
  • If consumed - calms a cat's nerves; helps with shock


  • Small yellow flowers with thin stems
  • Grows in a field with tall grass and weeds
  • If chewed into a poultice - it can be plastered onto a poisoned wound, especially an serpent bite, to neutralize the pollutants


  • Tall stems with poofy, light purple flower bunches on top
  • Grows in streams or wet soil
  • If consumed - soothes bellyaches

Wild garlic[]

  • Tiny, white flowers
  • Grows in forests
  • If rolled in - prevents infection from rat bites

Willow bark[]

  • Rough, gray bark from the willow tree
  • The willow trees are found in Twoleg places
  • If chewed - eases pain
  • If trickled into the eye - the water behind the bark can faintly help bring sight back and/ or soothe damaged eyes

Willow leaves[]

  • Long, green leaves with pointed tips
  • Found on the willow tree in Twoleg places
  • If consumed - keeps a cat from vomiting


  • Lamb ear-shaped leaves
  • Grows in sandy soils
  • If consumed- treats intestinal poisons
  • If chewed into a juice - placed on wounds to help heal

Windflower sprouts[]

  • White flowers with white petals, green middles, and white pollen around middle
  • Grows in rocky soils
  • If consumed - helps a pregnant she-cat deal with cramps


  • Small white flowers with tiny yellow flower bunches in the middle
  • Grows in and around rocks
  • If consumed - helps to vomit up poison
  • If chewed into a poultice - plastered on cracked or sore pad

Yerba Santa[]

  • Dense bush with thin twigs leading up to small, light purple flowers
  • Grows in coastal redwood forest
  • If the leaves are consumed - levels amount of mucus production in lungs
  • If the leaves are consumed - supports expectoration for comfortable breathing

Poisonous Edibles[]

🌱 Death berries (Yew berries) -🌱[]

  • Bright red berries with hollow middles
  • Grows in forest ravines
  • If consumed, kills a cat almost immediately

🌱 Foxglove seeds -🌱[]

  • Bowl-shaped pink flowers with white spots
  • Grows anywhere with a nice climate
  • If consumed, can cause a cat to be paralyzed or have heart failure

🌱 Holly berries -🌱[]

  • Bright red leaves with spiky leaves
  • Grows in forests
  • If consumed, can causes life-threatening stomach aches

🌱 Nightshade -🌱[]

  • Purple, bell-shaped flowers with black, round berries
  • Grows in shady places with limestone in the soil
  • If consumed, can cause a cat to die almost instantly

🌱 Water hemlock -🌱[]

  • Tall stems with smalls stems branching off of the main one and small white flower bunches on top
  • Grows in wet marshlands
  • if consumed, can cause foaming at the mouth, life-threatening pains, and/ or writhing

Non-herbal Treatment[]

🌿 Mouse bile - 🌿[]

Mouse bile is a liquid that lines a few organs and helps with digestion. It's basically acid. If extracted from the mouse and put on a ball of moss. Place it on a tick and it falls right off. Wash your paws  in a flowing stream throughly after.

🌿 Nipping bones - 🌿[]

You can gently bite, or nip, a bone to test if it's broken or not. If you feel a crack or the cat yowls, then it's broken.

🌿 Grooming a cat's fur - 🌿[]

You can gently groom the fur or a cat to calm, clean wounds, or to warm.

🌿 Wet moss - 🌿[]

Helps weak cats to get water, can help clean a wound, and can bring down swelling.

🌿 Swimming - 🌿[]

Can help a weak cat's muscles get stronger, and keeps slightly ill cats moving.

🌿 Yowling or Wailing - 🌿[]

Keeps sick cat's lungs clear of mucus.

🌿 Examination and Comparison - 🌿[]

Have a look at the average cat's limb and compare it to the patient.

🌿 Stitching - 🌿[]

It's complicated. If this doesn't make much sense to you, feel free to JAG me. I'd love to demonstrate. My old medic OC was raised from a cub in a research center. She was a rare hybrid, so her parents were placed there, followed by their daughter. Much of a story I don't have time to write. Anyway, my habitat was next door to what they called the 'work room' or, the examination room. They preformed 'stitching' (surgery) almost twice a week. So I watched and learned, trying to conjure ideas on how I could perform it if I were to escape. Stitching is a treatment that should only be done if you can't get your herbs to work, for it pains the patient and risks their death.

  1.  Take large amounts of bramble twig mixed with thyme and crush the thyme into the bramble twig syrup.
  2.  Have the cat consume.
  3.  Wait until the cat's breathing slows and you know they're unconscious.
  4.  Take a sharp rock, or your sharpest and largest claw, and cut a clean line wherever you're performing the stitching.
  5.  Use damp, sanitary moss to clean and move the edges if needed. Don't use your paws or claws while in the cat's insides.
  6.  Do what you need. If it's removing something they ate, try removing the piece causing the symptoms with A dry, sustainable leaf. Claws or fur may cause infection during the healing process. If it's trying to relocate an organ, then use a dry, sustainable, sanitary leaf.
  7.  After your completion, have a cat hold the two ends of the flesh you cut back together. Then lay a flat, warm, sanitary rock onto the area. (If it's the stomach, don't place it there, have your helper hold it gingerly.)
  8.  (Optional, depending on the size of the cutting you made) Use a sharp stick, cleaned in water then sun-dried, attached to a long line of tied leaf-string to try and weave the two sides of flesh back together.
  9.  Apply oakleaf or echinacea to the area that you worked on along with dabbing damp moss on it every few hours.
  10.  Before the cat becomes fully conscious, feed them a small dose of poppy seeds and a decent amount of thyme.
  11.  When they wake, give them shock root and possibly chamomile.

Caring for Your Herbs[]

  • If a herb is wet, put it outside in the sun to dry
  • Gather fresh herbs when your stock gets low
  • Leave enough of the herb when you collect it so it can reproduce and keep growing
  • Check your store often and throw out old herbs that have lost their quality and or medicinal properties

Remedies []

🌿 Adder Bite 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew ash tree sprouts into a poultice and apply to the bite; cover with a cobweb bandage


  • Chew snakeroot into a poultice and apply to the bite; cover with a cobweb bandage


  • Chew tormentil into a poultice and apply to the bite; cover with a cobweb bandage

🌿 Anxiety 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume a few hops flowers and drink warm water


  • Consume poppy seeds (amount depending on age of patient) and drink warm water

🌿 Asthma or Bronchitis 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume ginger roots, a small amount of yerba santa and water


  • Consume gumweed, a small amount of yerba santa, and water

🌿 Awakening 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume lotus roots and place moss soaked in cool water under the chin

🌿 Bellyaches 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • For awkward bellyaches- consume lemon grass
  • For decent bellyaches- consume mallow leaves or 2 chervil leaves
  • For minor bellyaches- consume small amounts of parsley and lots of water or a few juniper berries

🌿 Blood Loss or Bleeding 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • For minor bleeding- place a cobweb bandage over the wound; thickness of the bandage refers to the amount of blood expelling form the wound; place catchweed burrs on the edges of the bandage to hold it in place.
  • For major bleeding- place a thick cobweb bandage over the wound and place catchweed burrs on the edges; weave goosegrass through the bandage
  • For high blood loss via large wound- place a bandage on the wound, place catchweed burrs on the edges of the bandage; add goosegrass if needed; keep the patient hydrated and rested.

🌿 Cracked Pads 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew dock leaves into a poultice and apply to the pads; check to be sure the patient's fur is out of the poultice before placing a cobweb covering over the poultice. Keep the patient walking on soft objects.


  • Chew yarrow leaves into a poultice and apply to the pads; check to be sure the patient's fur is out of the poultice before placing a cobweb covering over the poultice. Keep the patient walking on soft objects.

🌿 Confidence Loss 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume chamomile petals and drink warm water

🌿 Constipation 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume two stalks of the catchweed plant and drink water regularly


  • Consume two petals of buttonbush down for a few sunrises along with plenty of water


  • Crush the stalks of lemongrass and the leaves from Rosinweed and thin them into a paste with water and consume

🌿 Damaged Eyes 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Trickle the liquid from the stem of the celandine flower into the damaged eye


  • Water from the willow tree can be trickled into the damaged eye

🌿 Death Odor 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Rub mint onto the fur of the dead cat


  • Rub rosemary onto the fur of the dead cat


  • Rub lavender onto the fur of the dead cat

🌿 Expelling Unnecessary Contents 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume dry yarrow and place a beech leaf under the cat for the contents to expel onto. Cleanse the area

🌿 Extra Queen's Milk 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume dry parsley and a juniper berry

🌿 Eye Pains 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Water from the willow tree can be trickled into the eye to soothe the pain


  • Chew broken rosemary blooms into a poultice and place it under and/or around the eye to ease pains/infections

🌿 Depression 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume gotu kola and drink warm water; get rest

🌿 Failure of Blood Circulation 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume blessed thistle; keep hydrated

🌿 Foggy Brain 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume gotu kola covered in juniper berry juice

🌿 Fever 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • For fevers with aches - consume feverfew and keep hydrated
  • For minor fevers - consume lavender and keep hydrated
  • For major fevers - consume borage leaves and keep hydrated

🌿 Fever Aches & Chills 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume warm water and feverfew

🌿 Gas Pain 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume lemongrass


  • Consume 3 dill leaves 

🌿 Headache 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume chamomile and lavender along with frequent drinks of warm water

🌿 Heart Burn 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume a dampened leaf from the dill plant

🌿 Hip Pain 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume fennel stems along with juniper berries

🌿 Infected Wounds 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew a poultice of marigold and goldenrod and apply to the wound


  • Chew a poultice of oak leaf and chervil and apply to the wound


  • Chew a poultice of echinacea and goldenrod and apply to the wound

🌿 Intestinal Infection 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Swallow the sap of a sweet-sedge flower and drink or eat nothing for a sunrise


  • Chew the stem of a stinging nettle until the liquid is gone and have small amounts of warm water throughout the day

🌿 Irritated or Itchy Skin 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew comfrey root into a poultice and apply to the inflamed area

🌿 Irritated Wounds 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew crushed rose thorns and dock leaves into a poultice and apply to the wound


  • Chew wintergreen and crushed rose thorns into a poultice and apply to the wound

🌿 Kitten Cough 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Major coughs - the orange middle of the pawpaw fruit is consumed along with warm water
  • Minor cough - coltsfoot is consumed along with cool water

🌿 Kit Digestion 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Small heather sprigs are consumed by kits and line the stomach to help with digestion

🌿 Nausea 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume 2 dry peach leaves (one for a kit)

🌿 Often, Unwanted Vomiting 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume fennel stems


  • Consume two willow leaves (one for a kit)

🌿 Over-stimulation of Breath 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume the petals of the coltsfoot flower


  • Consume yerba santa leaves

🌿 Pain 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew the leaves of the dandelion plant


  • Bite on a thick, stable tree branch/stick

🌿 Poisoned 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume wintergreen leaves and a few rosinweed leaves


  • Consume yarrow; after the effects consume shock root


  • Consume the seeds of a stinging nettle

🌿 Pregnancy Cramps 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Queens should consume windflower sprouts

🌿 Rat Bites 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Burdock root can be chewed into a poultice and place on the bite


  • The bitten cat can roll around in wild garlic to deplete the bites of infection

🌿 Reboot Nervous System 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume shockroot and get plenty of water and rest

🌿 Ringworm 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew basil into a poultice and place it onto the designated area


  • Chew snapdragon seeds into a poultice and placed on or around the designated area

🌿 Runny Nose 🌿[]

​Treatment options
  • Consume a small dose of eyebright and cool water


  • Chew a mint leaf

🌿 Scars 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew a poultice of gotu kola and apply onto the scar and cover it with a thin cobweb covering attatched with catchweed burrs

🌿 Scratches 🌿 []

Treatment options
  • For major bleeding or scratches- Apply a poultice of horsetail and cover it with a cobweb bandage
  • For minor scratches- apply a poultice of chewed dock leaves and cover it with a cobweb covering attatched with catchweed burrs

🌿 Shock 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume a decent dose of juniper berries and warm water


  • Consume an appropriate amount of poppy seeds


  • Consume a thyme leaf and warm water

🌿 Skin Sores 🌿[]

​Treatment options
  • Chew gumweed into a poultice and apply to the desired area


  • Extract the goo from an aloe vera plant and apply to the desired area

🌿 Sleep 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume poppy seeds and warm water


  • Consume bramble twig syrup
  • To put into a deep sleep- Consume saffron

🌿 Serpent Bite(s) 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew a poultice of snakeroot and nettle leaves and apply onto the bite

🌿 Sore Throat 🌿[]

​Treatment options
  • Crush coltsfoot petals into small pieces and arrange them onto the middle of the paw paw fruit; consume the mixture then gargle warm water


  • Consume one honeycomb 

🌿 Sprains 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew a poultice of broom and place onto the desired sprain and, if possible, wrap the area tightly in cobwebs and attach it to the fur with catchweed burrs

🌿 Stiff and Aching Joints 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew a poultice of daisy leaves and apply to the desired joint


  • Crush ragwort and juniper berries and thin with a small amount of warm water; consume


  • Line the patient's nest with comfrey root for aching/stiff shoulders


  • Chew a poultice of comfrey and apply to the desired joint

🌿 Stress 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Consume a few chamomile petals and drink warm water


  • Chew a mixture of catmint and honey until the honey is gone and the catmint has list its flavor


  • Chew aspen tree bark until it has lost its healing qualities

🌿 Sun Burns 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Apply the goo from the aloe vera plant onto the burn and carefully cover with a cobweb covering attatched with catchweed burrs

🌿 Swelling 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Place a moss ball soaked in cool water onto the desired area
  • Chew the leaves of a stinging nettle into a poultice and apply to the desired area

🌿 Tooth Decay 🌿[]

 Treatment options
  • Chew alfalfa leaves until the leaf has lost its healing qualities

🌿 Tooth Pain 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew the soft parts of Alder bark until the herb has lost it's healing qualities

🌿 Irregular Skin Conditions 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Apply a thick goo or poultice of Aloe vera onto the desired area.

🌿 Wound Infection 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • For minor infection- chew a poultice of marigold, goldenrod, and crushed rose thorns and apply it to the desired area
  • For larger infections- chew a poultice of echinacea, golden rod, and crushed rose thorns and apply it to the desired area

🌿 Wrenched Claw 🌿[]

Treatment options
  • Chew comfrey root into a poultice and apply to the wrenched claw; cover with a thick cobweb covering and attatch with catchweed burrs

🌿 Internal Bleeding 🌿[]

Internal bleeding occurs when damage to an artery or vein allows blood to escape the circulatory 
system and collect inside the body. ~


  1.  Take large amounts of bramble twig mixed with thyme and crush the thyme into the bramble twig syrup.
  1.  Have the cat consume.
  2. Wait until the cat's breathing slows and you know they're unconscious.
  3. Take a sharp rock, or your sharpest/Largest claw, and cut a clean line wherever you're performing the stitching.
  4. Use damp, sanitary moss to clean and move the edges if needed (Be sure the edges of the flesh are high enough to keep from too much blood loss). Don't use your paws or claws while in the cat's insides.
  5. Use sanitary moss to sponge the edges of the blood around the laceration.
  6. Use sanitary cobwebs, applying small amounts of pressure on the bleeding organ to slow the fluid. Do NOT apply large amounts of pressure, for the organ may rupture.
  7. Do what you feel needed to make the internal bleeding slow, stitching the organ is a definite NO. If the organ is ruptured it is beyond your control. 
  8. Make sure the bleeding is completely done before you follow the ending procedures found in the 'Stitching' Content, but you need to act quickly, the inside cannot be exposed for too long.
  9. Keep the bleeding to a minimal. Try not to let it out of the open wound you lacerated.
  10. Stitch the wound up with the ending procedures found in the 'Stitching" Content.
  11. Feed one aspen tree seed once they come to. Don't wake them on your own, be sure to check for signs of breathing every now and then.
  12. Make a water-thinned paste of 2 buttonbush down leaves, 1/2 of a shock root, and add the syrup from a sweet-sedge flower.
  13. Don't let the patient out of sight. Keep them asleep, but awake enough to acknowledge their state of life.
  14. Listen for sounds of pain, subtle writhing, complete stillness, sudden urges to voilently stand/run/move, or purple-tinted bleeding.

🌿Large Gashes🌿[]

Treatment options:

• clean out bacteria/dirt with a cleansing, warm, wet mossball. Then apply a paste of horsetail and goldenrod then wrapped in a sanitized, good amount of cobwebs.


• clean out bacteria/dirt with a cleansing, warm, wet mossball. Then apply a paste of goldenrod and marigold then wrap in a sanitized, good amount of cobwebs.


• clean out bacteria/dirt with a cleansing, warm, wet mossball. Then apply marigold and place sanitized, decent amounts of cobwebs on the wound. Then quickly weave the appropriate amount of goosegrass into the cobwebs bandage.

🌿 Minor Coughs 🌿[]

Treatment options:

• Place wet moss on a sanitized area on a leaf or bare stone. Let them drink accordingly unless you feel it's necessary to drizzle it into their mouth yourself. Use small amounts of ginger mixed with 1 juniper berry for a kit, 3 for an apprentice, and 4 for a warrior, and follow that by mixing water with chamomile petals to create a thick paste. Have them consume this mixture.


• Place wet moss on a sanitized area on a leaf or bare stone. Let them drink accordingly unless you feel it's necessary to drizzle it into their mouth yourself. Use water-dampened tansy and chamomile paste. (Mentioned above)

🌿 Major Coughs 🌿[]


  • coughing mucus
  • low fever
  • nose streaming lightly
  • eyes glossy and crusting

Can lead to Greencough, or in extreme cases, Blackcough.


•Use damp tansy or ginger, use plenty, but careful, amounts of poppy seeds, small amounts of catmint, mint to calm leaking nose fluids, and lavender to cool fevers.

  • You could also use hawkweed or chickweed instead of tansy or ginger. Hawkweed and chickweed are specially for Whitecough.

•Blessed thistle if they start getting somewhat droopy and stop trying to eat or drink.

•Keep water in their veins at all times. Dehydration can lead to worse symptoms.



•nose streaming quickly

•coughing up mucus and maybe even other fluids (not blood)


•high fever

•runny/crusty eyes

•crusty nose

May lead to Blackcough or death if not treating quickly.

  • give lots of water. Keep the cats hydrated.
  • use larger amounts of catmint than ginger or tansy. Try to keep them eating. Even if it's just a few mouthfuls. If mucus gets too bad, have them wail or yowl to keep their lungs clear. They don't need to suffocate on snot. Use feverfew and lavender gingerly. And chamomile and/or blessed thistle if they lose the will to keep trying. This just means they're getting weak. Use warm, wet, sanitary moss balls to remove the crust around the nose and eyes.


  • coughing large amounts of other fluids or blood.
  • constant running of eyes
  • large amounts crusting around the nose
  • large amounts of crust on the eyes.
  • stop eating and drinking
  • Extremely weak
  • dangerously high fever
  • large amount of shuttering from chills.

There is no cure for Blackcough.

  • Give them decent doses of chamomile, keep their spirits up. Also, dark oak sap may be consumed to weaken the disease. It doesn't treat the illness, but it makes it containable. You may be able to gain control of the illness and possibly use catmint to cure it. If it gets to a point where they're in pure torture and pain, though, ask them for permission then send them to StarClan with a deathberry.

🌿 Bee Stings 🌿[]

  • a large Swelling Bump
  • constant pain
  • Give the patient a decent dose of chamomile then pop the sting, gingerly, with your teeth. Clense the area with damp moss before putting a poultice of blackberry leaves and a cobweb bandage, fastened with catchweed.

💦 Drowning effects 💦[]

Treatment options

  • Check the cat's temperature, and make sure it's not too high or too low. If it is, then the cat is more likely to die. Quickly identify signs of life (breathing, heartbeats). If there isn't a sign of either, then the cat may be dead. Even so, there's still hope! Flip the cat over swiftly, so it's belly is exposed. Have a cat or two hold the wet cat in place. Place your paws onto the cat's chest and push hard at least 27 times per minute. Pump like this until they cough up water and begin to stir softly. (If this doesn't happen after a total of 3 minutes then the cat wasn't saved fast enough and is dead.) Once they stir, give them a fair amount of shock root and blessed thistle along with a small small dose of thyme and chamomile.

🔥 Burns 🔥[]

Treatment options
  • mix a goo of aloe Vera gel and fresh honey. Soak wet moss in the gel. When completely filled, place the moss onto the burn gingerly. Dap at it, until the burn is covered in the goo.
  • use aloe Vera and gel mixed with chamomile and comfrey. You must mix the chamomile petals with water to create a paste before you mix it. You also must grind the comfrey root. This method is difficult because of the steps it takes to complete, but it is quite effective.

🐾 Broken Limbs 🐾[]


How to know for sure
  • The bottom jaw will look as if someone took it and pushed it over to the side.
  • There will be a cracked line going down the stretched side of the jaw.
  • The cat will wail or whimper constantly out of pain.
  • The way they eat is concerning. They chew with the few good molars on the stretched side of their face. The rest will dribble from the side.
Treatment options
  • Push the jaw back into its natural position to the best of your ability. You should have one cat hold the bottom of the jaw firmly while you hold both sides: the extended and the crooked. Have the cat holding the bottom slowly place pressure and push up. While that's happening you should quickly push to the side. If you don't think you can do this without making it worse, then don't. Apply a paste of comfrey, broom, and nettle leaves. Wrap the jaw in thick cobwebs, and add comfrey and feathers to their nest. Reapply fresh pastes every day until the crack on the extended side of the jaw mends. Give them poppy seeds for pain, and make sure they eat. Rest and nutrients go a long way.

Forelegs and Backlegs[]

How to know for sure
  • the front leg (if broken) will look twisted, much like a gnarled root. It will be either over extended or under extended (twisted either behind its normal position, or in front of it.)
  • the paws will look twisted like an interesting rock. It would be quite swollen with bumps along the edges of the bone. It will be hard to feel for a crack, so you have to look for signs.
  • the hind legs will be sticking out backwards. They will look like a giant tree branch came down and whacked it backwards. You can sense pain, as the medic, just from the way to scrunch their face when they drag it behind them. It's extremely painful, considering as cats, you use the hind legs to position your weight, hunt, climb, and move.
Treatment options
  • this works for all 3 leg/paw situations.
  • apply a mixture of nettle leaves, especially for the paw, comfrey, and broom. Plaster the paste onto the cracked bone, extending the paste outwards on every side, making a sun-like image. Completely wrap the leg/paw in cobwebs. Then have a cat hold two sticks, one one each side of the limb. ( for a paw, you want to position the paw under the above leg, and place the sticks on the paw, but let hem extend upwards so they touch the above leg.) wrap the leg and the sticks with bindweed, catchweed, or reed stems.


How to know for sure
  • Depending where the tail was broken, there will be a slight dent in the external tail fixture. After the bone is mended, the tail will still look bent.
  • The tail loses much of its nerve feeling after damage is done, meaning they'll break the tail and won't have much feeling in a few minutes.
  • if the sacrum (bottom of the tail bone) is damaged, it could mean certain paralysis and/or death. Considering the sacrum controls the latter nerves, other ligaments, and even a few organs.
Treatment options
  • feel for the dent in the tail, if you find that, you've found where the tail bone was broken. There isn't much of a cure for this, but if you want the bone to mend quickly, then make a poultice of broom and nettle leaves. Then wrap it in or bindweed.

Thoracic vertebrae (Upper backbone)[]

How to know for sure
  • The entire upper body will look strange like it was put together wrong. The front legs will be out farther up, and the head will began to hang down low naturally. The chest will be up higher than the rest of the underbelly. This causes the cat's to look like they're being picked up by an invisible twoleg.
Treatment options
  • there isn't a cure for the way the broken spine caused the cat to look. But the bone will mend again. Breaking the thoracic vertebrae is quite dangerous though, for if it was broken wrong, or if it's not treated soon enough and it hits the spinal cord, then the cat's paralyzed and will likely die.
  • Have the cat slowly roll to his/her side. Try guiding the two broken ends back together. After you do that, put a poultice of comfrey, broom, and crushed nettle leaves onto the crack through the upper spine. That can't can't move. If that cat moves it risks paralysis.

Lumbar vertebrae (Lower spine)[]

How to know for sure
  • the cat is paralyzed from the mid-back down.
Treatment options
  • the cat must be given exercises.
  • Have him/her yowl regularly to clear mucus, since they can't exersize like normal cats.
  • give him/her thyme after the paralysis to soothe the shock, and let them know they're okay.

A Queen's Customs - Birthing[]

🐱 Customs 🐱[]

A cat's pregnancy lasts anywhere from 64-67 days, while a dog's lasts 58-68 days. This period has a rough estimate of about two moons. Queens need to eat fatty foods along with healthy foods, such as the leg of the squirrel and some chamomile and juniper berries. Hydration is crucial not only in the production of milk, but also in basic survival. Queens should try to rest most of the time savouring nutrients and energy for her kitting, but she also needs to go out on daily walks a few times a day as well. If her contractions begin to get out of control, it either means the kits are on their way, or the kits are growing and kicking. Crushed iris petals can and will help with that pain.

🐱 Kitting 🐱[]

  • The kitting queen will need her space, now having that said, she should be able to pick who she wants close to her. The medics don't want the den crowded (it causes stress), so she might choose her mate and very close friends.
  • Until kitting begins, she may be able to consume a few crushed iris petals to slow the pain.
  • Give the queen a large stick covered in raspberry leaf paste and crushed iris petals stuck to the paste. The queen shouldn't eat the mixture, but chew it. It reduces bleeding and helps numb contractions a bit. She should also have wet moss next to her or being trickled into her mouth (hydration).
  • After she has delivered one kit, have either the medic or the father bite off the membrane sack and groom the kit warm and dry.
  • Thoroughly repeat this same procedure until the queen is finished kitting.
  • After the kitting, the father and the mother should be left alone with their kits until they're ready for them to be seen.
  • If the Queen is strong enough, they may choose to move into the nursery.

Ending note: []

I got quite a few of my ideas from other wiki pages such as the Medicine Cat Guide. They deserve partial credit. Most of these were my original ideas, however. Also, not all of the treatments to sicknesses are listed. If you're confused about anything my Animal Jam username is pixie908. I appreciate the fact that you guys have taken the time to read this and have done nothing but say positive things and give me suggestions. 

How to Train Your Apprentice[]

Click here to go to my other page that consists of everything you'll need to train an apprentice

^-_-PIXIE908-_-^ ~ :3
